Boot-up password on Mac reset - hack method

Macbook boot-up password reset - hack method

How to reset Boot up, or start up password on on MacBook and Imac - Hack method 

When you have MacBook, or Imac, MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, and you trying to boot-up your computer from USB or DVD, and you discovering then your computer asking for password which you have no idea about, here is the way how to reset it, delate it.

You have to turn off your computer, and then take out or add half of the RAM memory form your computer. So for example if your computer have 2 GB RAM, then you have to take off 1 GB RAM or add 2 GB RAM. Then hold CMD and  ALT and  R  and P together, and holding them, turn on  your computer. You have to hold the keys until your computer will restart three times, then release. 
Now you can turn off your Mac computer, put your ram back, to the size, which was before that operation. Then turn on your computer like you wanted, without password.
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This solution will work for all Mac models up to 2012 year. Models 2013 and above need reset the Bios cheap, which need special equipment.

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